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The Günzburg Waldbad now has a support association

Bernd Röllig has been appointed as chairman. Goals are the promotion of swimming and communal health care.

Günzburg. Hot summer, cool water. Who doesn’t automatically associate these two words with a pool that guarantees refreshment and relaxation? The Waldbad Günzburg offers space for all generations to swim, sunbathe, play, laze around, meet friends or just relax at the end of the day. Now, the Förderverein Waldbad Günzburg was recently founded.

The Board of Directors and the management of Stadtwerke Günzburg decided to found a sponsorship association to provide long-term support for the Waldbad. The founding meeting took place on June 4, 2024 in the meeting room of Stadtwerke Günzburg and was attended by ten people. The elections of the seven-member board produced the following result:

  • 1st Chairman: Bernd Röllig
  • 2nd Chairman: Lothar Böck
  • Treasurer: Bettina Hofmiller
  • Secretary: Johann Stelzle
  • Assessors: Maria Buck-Fritz, Dagmar Specht, Helmut Lochbrunner

The purpose of the association is to promote swimming and communal health care. These statutory purposes are to be realized in particular by supporting the Waldbad in an idealistic and financial way, especially by raising funds to ensure the permanent preservation of the Waldbad. Funding can be provided, for example, for play equipment, sunshades and sails, benches and trees, as well as technical equipment in and around the pools. In order to realize this, a corresponding commitment from interested parties, friends and supporters of the Waldbad is required.

“Our aim is to gain many enthusiastic members and supporters for the association and also to develop exciting and interesting ideas for the long-term preservation of our unique Günzburg forest pool,” says Stadtwerke CEO Lothar Böck, who is also the second chairman of the Förderverein Waldbad Günzburg e.V..

Günzburg’s Waldbad is currently undergoing extensive modernization. In particular, a new entrance area, changing rooms and sanitary facilities as well as a new, attractive forecourt are intended to create an even more inviting atmosphere in future.

Der Vorstand des neu gegründeten Fördervereins Waldbad (von links): Johann Stelzle (Schriftführer), Maria Buck-Fritz (Beisitzerin), Lothar Böck (2. Vorsitzender), Bettina Hofmiller (Kassiererin), Bernd Röllig (1. Vorsitzender), Dagmar Specht (Beisitzerin), Helmut Lochbrunner (Beisitzer).
The board of the newly founded Förderverein Waldbad e.V. (from left): Johann Stelzle (secretary), Maria Buck-Fritz (assessor), Lothar Böck (2nd chairman), Bettina Hofmiller (treasurer), Bernd Röllig (1st chairman), Dagmar Specht (assessor), Helmut Lochbrunner (assessor).
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Extensive clearing and cleaning work is underway.

The tidying and cleaning of the entire Waldbad is in full swing. The service buildings have already been cleaned and the area around the kiosk is already looking good again. However, the walkways and the sunbathing lawn are still very muddy and the areas around the pools still need to be cleaned.

The pools themselves cannot be drained at the moment. The groundwater level is still too high and there would be a risk that the pools would rise when the water is drained. So patience is still required here. Once the water has been drained, the extensive and time-consuming cleaning of the pools will begin.

We are therefore currently unable to give a date for reopening, we will of course inform you in good time, but ask for your patience.

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The Waldbad remains closed

We would like to keep you up to date on the Waldbad. Due to the heavy flooding yesterday (Sunday), the pool remains closed until further notice.

We have made every effort to secure the pool with sandbags and a number of embankments to prevent the worst from happening. However, this was only partially successful. The pools and the sunbathing area were completely flooded. It is not yet clear to what extent the technology and parts of the new building have been affected.

We will of course provide further updates in due course.