A support association for the Waldbad

The Board of Directors and the management of Stadtwerke Günzburg decided to found a sponsorship association to provide long-term support for the Waldbad. The founding meeting took place on June 4, 2024 in the meeting room of Stadtwerke Günzburg and was attended by ten people. The purpose of the association is to promote swimming and communal health care. These statutory purposes are to be realized in particular by supporting the Waldbad in an idealistic and financial manner, above all by raising funds to ensure the permanent preservation of the Waldbad. Funding can be provided, for example, for play equipment, sunshades and sails, benches and trees, as well as technical equipment in and around the pools. In order to realize this, a corresponding commitment from interested parties, friends and supporters of the Waldbad is required.


“Our aim is to gain many enthusiastic members and supporters for the association and also to develop exciting and interesting ideas for the long-term preservation of our unique Waldbad Günzburg.”

Lothar Böck, CEO Stadtwerke Günzburg & 2nd Chairman

Logo Förderverein Waldbad Günzburg

Board & Membership opportunities

On June 4, 2024, the seven-member board was elected at the founding meeting in the meeting room of Stadtwerke Günzburg:

  • 1st Chairman: Bernd Röllig
  • 2nd Chairman: Lothar Böck
  • Treasurer: Bettina Hofmiller
  • Secretary: Johann Stelzle
  • Assessors: Maria Buck-Fritz, Dagmar Specht, Helmut Lochbrunner
Join now and get involved!

Private individuals and companies can become members of the Waldbad support association. As of August 2024, the annual membership fee is €25.00 for private individuals and €75.00 for corporate members.


Der Vorstand des neu gegründeten Fördervereins Waldbad (von links): Johann Stelzle (Schriftführer), Maria Buck-Fritz (Beisitzerin), Lothar Böck (2. Vorsitzender), Bettina Hofmiller (Kassiererin), Bernd Röllig (1. Vorsitzender), Dagmar Specht (Beisitzerin), Helmut Lochbrunner (Beisitzer).
The board of the newly founded association (from left): Johann Stelzle (secretary), Maria Buck-Fritz (assessor), Lothar Böck (2nd chairman), Bettina Hofmiller (treasurer), Bernd Röllig (1st chairman), Dagmar Specht (assessor), Helmut Lochbrunner (assessor).