The Waldbad Günzburg is an area of responsibility of the

Stadtwerke Günzburg KU
Heidenheimer Str. 4
89312 Günzburg

Telephone: 08221/367 16
Fax: 08221/36 71 71

The Stadtwerke Günzburg are a "Kommunalunternehmen".
Managing Director: Lothar Böck
Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE130861086

Trade Register Nr.12386, AG Memmingen

Responsible for content according to § 55 paragraph 2 RStV: Lothar Böck

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links.
The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Picture credits: Stadtwerke Günzburg KU, Waldbad Günzburg